It's Your Fault Playlist 11/7/23

 It's Your Fault Playlist 11/7/23

1. The Beatles - Now and Then

2. Tom T. Hall - Sneaky Snakes

3. Purple Mountains - Storyline Fever

4. Kenny Rogers - The Greatest

5. Jordan Zevon - The Joke's on Me

6. Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter

7. The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (Ben's Corner)

8. The Rutles - Questionnaire

9. Wet Willie - Keep On Smilin'

10. Butt Trumpet - I'm Ugly and I Don't Know Why

11. Them - Gloria (Tuesday Night Fisticuffs - Amanda Request)

12. U2 - Gloria (Tuesday Night Fisticuffs - Amanda Request)

13. Captain Beyond - I Can't Feel Nothin' (Part I) / As the Moon Speaks (to the Waves of the Sea) / Astral Lady / As the Moon Speaks (Return) / I Can't Feel Nothin' (Part II)